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Daily Precautions
  • Children within the classroom will be socially distanced as much as possible.  
  • Children will stay within their classroom ‘families’ and will not combine with other classrooms.
  • Children will be spaced out on the carpet during carpet time, spaced out during snack, and spaced out during center time. 
  • Only one classroom will be allowed on the playground per time slot. 
  • Toys will be sanitized daily (or as needed throughout the morning).
  • Children will have their own set of supplies to use daily. 
  • Classrooms will be professionally cleaned daily after preschool hours.  
  • Parents will no longer be allowed to enter the preschool on a daily basis. ​
  • The car rider line will now be staggered with the pickup line being divided into two groups (Group A and Group B). 
  • If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above they will not be allowed to stay at preschool.
  • If you suspect that your child has been exposed to anyone with Covid-19 or exhibits any Covid-19 symptoms (coughing, runny nose, fever, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, shortness of breath or any flu like symptoms) please have your child remain at home until a negative test is acquired or symptom free. 


Children will NOT be required to wear a mask at preschool, but may do so if they are within the high risk category. Children will be allowed to wear a face mask if sent to school with the child, but the Y will not enforce a mask mandate for children. If a child is wearing a mask and the teacher believes it to be more harmful to have the mask than not, the teacher along with the director will discuss other options with the parents. Teachers will not put a face mask on a child, if it is necessary for a child to be in a mask due to symptoms developed while at school then the child will be removed from the classroom and a parent/guardian will be notified to pick up immediately. Teachers will be encouraged to wear a mask while indoors or in close proximity to the children. 


Hand Washing

Children will wash hands as they enter the classroom each morning and throughout the morning as needed (before eating, after using the restroom, after coughing/sneezing, etc.). Teachers and staff will wash hands upon entering the preschool in the morning, throughout the morning and anytime they travel within the Complex facility.   



A morning snack time will be allotted for each day.  The “Leader of the Day” will provide a snack for your child daily by sending in a healthy snack to share with the class. No water bottles or lunch boxes from home please. We will provide water throughout the morning. Your child may bring a backpack to school. 


For more information, please review our Handbook.

Hear What Parents Had to Say About Preschool at the Complex!


Kim O, Parent

We absolutely loved [Preschool at the Complex]!!!

Both of my kids went for 3 years each (young 3s, 3s, and 4s).  They are now in 2nd and 4th grade and doing well academically!

We loved the staff, who felt like family and gave them the foundational skills both academically and socially to thrive. 

Laura K, Parent

Both of mine go/have gone. OBSESSED!
All the teachers and staff are INCREDIBLE.

Michelle B, Parent

We LOVE it there! My older one did the fours program and camp and is thriving in Kindergarten.
My younger one did the young twos and is now in the 3s!
Ms. Rhonda, the director, is one of kind!

Marie S, Parent

Both my boys went there and we loved it. They are in 1st and 5th grade now and thriving.
I really felt it was exactly what they needed to prepare for kindergarten.

© 2024 by Preschool at the Complex

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